If your goal is to determine the electrical and mechanical characteristics, as well as the reliability of the motor for your project, keep reading.
Make sure you have all the necessary documentation for each test, including dimensional drawings, characteristic curves, data-sheets, as well as your template for result presentation.
We will also need a power control bench for the tests, equipped with a fan to cool the motor, a power supply, and several temperature sensors.
Before starting, we will ensure that the external appearance of the motor is in order, including homologation markings, manufacturer data, manufacturing date, and power supply voltage.
We will dimensionally verify the motor against the drawing, and check the electrical and material characteristics of the motor according to the design specifications.
We will conduct a series of electrical tests, such as resistance measurement, insulation resistance control, and dielectric strength.
Depending on the type of motor/project, it may be necessary to perform electromechanical, environmental, and durability tests, including temperature cycles, operation under extreme voltages, vibration tests, water and dust leak tests, salt spray tests, bench and vehicle life tests (the latter would be suitable for several posts;-).
Interested in downloading a copy of part of our test procedure as a reference document for your project? You can download it HERE.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.